Biography of Lynette Creswell

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Lynette was born in London, but raised in Burnley, Lancashire. From the tender age of five she lived with her grandmother who gave her books to keep her quiet. Lynette found she had a passion for reading and started writing once she began school.
Lynette’s inspiration came from childhood books written by Enid Blyton. The Enchanted Wood and The Faraway Tree were her first taste of fantasy. In adulthood, Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Series captured her own vivid imagination.
Her first novel Sinners of Magic won her acclaim and the story soon turned into a trilogy. With readers begging for more Lynette ended the series with a spin off story featuring a windigo.
Wishing to be a multi-genre author, Lynette turned her pen to romance. Her two novels: Cracks in the Glass and Two Kinds of Truth were a huge hit with readers.
Returning to her love of short story writing, Lynette entered the 2019 SWWJ (Society of Women Writers and Journalists) competition. A Slice of Cake – a light-hearted story about her five year old granddaughter came runner up.
In 2020 Lynette launched a compilation of short stories. Most having won popular writing competitions.
Later this year, Lynette is breaking out of her comfort zone with the release of her new children’s book. Hoglets’ Christmas Magic is a delightful tale starring two adorable hedgehogs. The book is due for publication 28th August by White Rabbit Books.
Lynette lives in North East Lincolnshire with her husband. All her grandchildren are the apple of her eye.
If you’d like to contact Lynette, please email her at:

13 comments on “Biography of Lynette Creswell

  1. Yes, I think I know you well now! Lovely biography. AND I know just what you mean about your granddaughters. Eleanor (aged 8) and Toby (aged 5) are so dearly treasured. Unfortunately they live miles away – one of those tedious west-east journeys with Fen roads and blooming tractors, literally HOURS away! Always worth the time travelling though.

    • Thanks Joan for letting me know you like the bio. It’s so hard to know what to write without droning on. I’m relieved you enjoyed it and yes, definitely our grandchildren should be treasured. Sorry to hear yours are so far away and I do believe one of my sons is moving to Nottingham shortly so it will be a couple of hours drive away to see my eldest granddaughter (Chloe who’s five) from now on. Life is never easy! Lol

  2. I have never been able to write a bio like this one. I always put too much information. This has given me an idea to try again.

    • Hi Bonnie,
      Thank you for dropping by and I am really pleased you liked my bio. I do think it is a difficult piece of writing to complete but if I have managed to give you an idea to help you to refine yours, well, that’s a bonus 🙂

    • Hi Michaela, thank you for you wonderful comment. I promise I will keep writing, and ‘Clump, a Changeling’s Story’ will be out in paperback shortly which means I will be able to concentrate on my next book. Best wishes and thank you for all your support.

  3. Hope your Clump launch went well today Lynette, and you get lots of sales. I thought those attending the online launch today seemed lovely supportive people, particularly your guest authors. Best of luck with it, you deserve to do well x

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